In The Northman, Directed By The Lighthouse, Alexander Skarsgard Is Out For Viking Vengeance

Alexander Skarsgard Is Out For Viking Vengeance: The Lighthouse, is back with a bigger cast in his new movie, The Northman. This film brings together actors from his previous works, along with some more familiar faces, to tell a revenge story set in Viking times.

Alexander Skarsgrd plays Amleth, a Viking prince seeking revenge for his father’s murder (played by Ethan Hawk) and his mother’s abduction (played by Nicole Kidman) when he was just a young boy. Now an adult, Amleth is on a quest for vengeance with the help of enchantresses, portrayed by Björk and Anya-Taylor Joy. Willem Dafoe, known for his role in Eggers’ The Lighthouse, also makes a brief appearance in the film.

The Northman marks a departure for Eggers from his more intimate films. In an interview, Eggers likened the story to Hamlet or The Lion King, explaining that it’s based on an old Norse tale where the Hamlet character was called Amleth. The film is described as a Viking saga with elements of magic, swords, mysticism, and everything you’d expect from such a tale.

You can check out the trailer below.

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